~ May 17, 2023 ~
Happy 78th Birthday Baba Bhagavan Das!!
Please join me in offering huge blessings of health & happiness to my beloved husband & best friend Baba Bhagavan Das!
As a birthday outing we visited one of our favorite trails with 2 billion year old rocks. It was a slow, short stroll over the flatland with Baba’s walker. He was stoked to be outside after a week in the hospital. We both enjoyed the fresh Spring air & some sunshine together.
I’ve been administering the IV antibiotics infusions every 12 hrs during early dawn & early dusk ~ the auspicious Ambrosial Hours. This regime will continue for 6 weeks. The line takes 90 minutes to run, so I do a yoga & meditation Sadhana while it runs. This morning I suggested that Baba envision a healing golden light flowing through his body & being, which brought him much more peace during the process. We are also listening to Amma’s mantras in the background. So far so good!
Baba & I want to thank you for your continued Love, support and donations to our GoFundMe. It is all very helpful as we navigate yet another series of weeks in which we must navigate more doctor appointments, medical evaluations, PT sessions and the much slower pace of regular day to day life.
All our Love
Amulya & Baba
~ May 15, 2023 ~
Baba had an unexpected follow-up major surgery on his knee this past Tuesday. He’s been in the hospital ever since.
A bad bacterial infection was found and the plastic piece in the knee needed to be replaced. He’s finally being discharged today.
Baba will be on IV antibiotics at home for the next 6-7 weeks. I’ll be managing the IV transfusions, with the help of home healthcare in the beginning.
Life throws curve balls. Our smiles come from the heart-cave of pure LOVE and we are beaming it out to you all!
Love is the Strongest Medicine as Neem Karoli Baba says - and it’s no doubt what matters most.
Deepest thanks to those of you who’ve shown us Love, prayers & support.
Our GoFundMe is still active and we appreciate your support as we continue to navigate these medical circumstances.
Simply visit our GoFundMe page.
Thank you!
We love you!
Amulya Maa
Bhagavan Das
~ May 5, 2023 ~
Full Moon blessings of Deer Medicine + the Cosmic Heart.
DEER fully embodies the spiritual heart, the Cosmic Heart. Deer teaches us how to be graceful, poised & peaceful, even in difficult situations. Deer carries the gifts of heightened sensitivity, keen intuition and a gentle, non-harming compassion in tune with all of nature.
One definition of “Cosmic” is: immeasurably extended through time and space. Infinite.
the COSMIC HEART extends infinitely in all directions, embracing all polarities (me/you, us/them, good/bad, happy/sad, attachment/aversion, etc) in LOVE - thereby dissolving polarity into the One. Oneness not as a platitude but as an embodied vibrational reality - in thought, feeling, word & deed. The Cosmic Heart is inclusive of and celebrates all diversity, multiplicity and human “mishaps” as manifestations of the One, developing ever so gradually through the practice of patience & profound compassion for this oh-so-human state of being we’re experiencing here & now. Differences, opposition, polarities exist and are exercised or acted out on a relative level - but they are embraced with unconditional love, compassion, patience and acceptance on an absolute level. As the absolute realization becomes an embodied reality, little by little, a spaciousness is created and is the leverage one can utilize to begin to unwind harming words and actions into a non-harming reality.
A worthy practice!
Two deer (one male, one female) were the first students that showed up in Deer Park in Varanasi (Kashi) when the Buddha gave his first teaching after realizing enlightenment. Afterwards, five Sadhus arrived. This is why two deer placed on either side of the Dharma Wheel have become a symbol of Buddhism, the heart’s intelligence and fully actualized reception of the Dharma.
Full Moon blessings of the Cosmic Heart + Deer Medicine to you all! It’s our first little hike since Baba’s surgery & he graduated from a 4-pronged cane to a walking stick today. Jai Maa!
with biggest LOVE from both Baba & me
~ March 31, 2023 ~
This past month Baba Bhagavan Das & I have been moving very slowly as we prepare for his total knee replacement surgery. His knee gave him nearly 78 years but it’s clearly ‘ready to go’ before Baba is - so we’re getting him a new one! … Like his wheels?
It’s a major surgery with a long & laborious healing trajectory - particularly at Baba’s age and given some of the lasting effects of his SUV accident.
We are grateful to have a stellar surgeon & an awesome physical therapist. And, we’ve heard rave reviews from many people who have been through it.
So, our spirits are high and we are both optimistic about the possibility that once he’s fully healed he’ll be walking better than he has in years.
Meanwhile, we’ve been to loads of pre-op appts for diagnostics and preparations as well as PT sessions to strengthen Baba’s legs for optimal results. We have 3 more appointments next week before his April 11 surgery. And then, afterwards, the real work begins - for both of us.
With everything we’ve navigated together, this healing process will likely be a piece of cake in comparison. But the raw reality is that it will be all-consuming, at least for the first few weeks.
Finally, we are in need of financial support at this time.
If you are able & inspired to offer us a donation, we are so appreciative!
Any amount is welcome & very, very helpful at this time.
Please visit our GoFundMe page we set up in 2020 when Baba was run over by the SUV.
Thank you in advance for your love, prayers and donations.
Your support is more helpful than you might imagine.
Biggest LOVE to you all from both of us!
~ LOVE is the Strongest Medicine ~
Neem Karoli Baba
~ March 17, 2023 ~
from BABA BHAGAVAN DAS: Today is a very special day because my bliss queen the love of my life my most beloved wife Amulya Maa @amulyamaa was born today!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Amulya Maa!! My wild Irish Rose, Queen of all Dakinis may the blessings flow down upon your crown from the Divine Mother of all creation! May the holy golden light of Maharaji’s Grace flood your Precious Heart with all the Love in the Cosmos! And may the Son of the Wind fill your body with healing miracle prana!
Being your husband is the greatest joy of my entire life. Thank you for showing me pure love. Thank you for bringing razor sharp raw truth & clarity to each moment! You have courage like no one I’ve ever known. You are my best friend now & forever and when our voices merge it transports me straight to the Pure Land! I give 108,000 full Pranams on my big old Buddha belly crying out to you “JAI MAA!” like I did when we first met.
Your unconditional Real Love is teaching me to grow up & clean up ever so slowly but it’s happening and your patience is the salve of my soul’s salvation. Your compassionate wisdom Rainbow Crystal Light OM MANI PADME HUM heart song blesses the entire world & is my greatest inspiration and I give thanks to Maharaji for at long last bringing us Together! May White Tara bless you & us with long life because as always the BEST is yet to come!! Please join me in wishing Amulya Maa the best birthday ever!!!
~ February 14, 2023 ~
Blessed Valentine’s Day to ALL.
A message and RETREAT announcement from Baba Bhagavan Das and me:
WE, journeying together through lifetimes of karmic initiations ~ hand-in-hand with fiery unconditional Love in our hearts.
WE, alchemizing the underbelly of darkest disruptions, scenes many cannot bear to hear, most do not dare to see.
WE, offering fire puja to Truth, courageously cutting away the flesh of false appearance and being fed by the red bone marrow of Raw Honesty.
WE, celebrating HERE NOW, enjoying the deepest, unimaginably whole, and most real LOVE we’ve ever known.
WE, dancing in this Grand Almighty Love, pure-magic God-centric true-tantric two-became-One—WOW
Still afraid of the dark?
Love is the Sweetest Thing.
But unless it includes the Sweet Darkness, it isn’t complete and will not take you all the way Home. That which is tucked away for hiding keeps us separate.
Pull back the curtain of what “they” told you was appropriate and get real with us.
We will will help you cultivate the courage to illuminate the darkest shadows and hidden wounds within, holding those depths in a field of unconditional LOVE for the deepest healing that cannot be found within the protective mirage-bubbles and superficial false-projections all pervasive in this degenerate age of modernity.
JOIN US from June 1 through June 4 for our 2023 Retreat “GRAND ILLUMINATION: MOVING FROM ME TO WE” at our home temple space Maa Sanctuary.
Small group retreat open to both individuals and couples. This will sell out quickly.
~ January 25, 2022 ~
Amulya Maa and I just offered another blissful Private Retreat at our home Maa Sanctuary. These retreats Amulya & I offer are the deepest and most REAL offerings of my entire 77 yrs of life! They have been transformational not just for our clients but also for us. The BIG love is flowing & we give all glories to Amma & Maharaji's grace!
A bit of what Mike & Aileen shared with us:
"This retreat was more than we could have ever dreamed of. Your compassion, devotion & directness was not only pivotal but inspiring! We look forward to many more moments in Truth with you. Thank you for not giving up on us. We leave this retreat with open hearts, greater acceptance of our present moment responsibilities and openness to the Divine Mystery. A million times thank you!!" Aileen & Mike
If you'd like to come for Private Retreat, it all starts by booking an online session with us.
~ November 22, 2022 ~
A couple of photos from the 5-day private retreat we offerred last week to these amazing souls. Our time together was transformational, fun & deeply fulfilling!
And, they showed such big LOVE & flexibility given the unexpected circumstance that our cat Luna was in the hospital upon their arrival.
Such a blessing to deepen our connection with soul family! And we know there's more to come.
Many of you have communicated interest in a Private Retreat. The first step is an online session.
Offering Kirtan at Amritji's 90th Birthday Gala.
Ain't LOVE Grand? A timeless Quintessential Kirtan Kiss. Enough Said.
October 21, 2022 ~
Bhagavan Das & I offered kirtan for Gurudev Amritji's 90th Birthday celebration last weekend ~ it was magical, love-filled & unforgettable gathering with off the charts devotion!
October 1, 2022 ~
HAPPY 2nd Wedding Anniversary to us!
Moment to moment, bead to bead, foible to foible, sunrise to moon rise, fire to Phoenix, ember to ember, and dawn to dusk to dawn again.
Celebrating the 'me' dissolving into "We"
we are embodying a coalescence of polarity.
Our grand journey to Infinity has alas begun
as two galaxies merge into an even greater ONE.
An alchemical transformation of darkness into Light
stoking flames of Forever Love ~ stars shining bright.
We hold each other Sacred, each moment anew
and let the healing waters of God's Love flow through.
With our Maa Sanctuary prayer flags hung
And angels are echoing OM AH HUM
'cause they know it's our most cherished tantric tune.
This Cosmic Dance of the Sun and the Moon
is a precious & priceless Grace-given boon
keeping us on our toes, it's an ever-evolving swoon!
TODAY marks 2 years of marriage, nearly 4 years of 24/7, 15.5 years since we first met & an eternity of loving each other.
We wish you all Maha-LOVE in its highest available form
no matter if it lands inside or outside "the norm"
Amulya Maa & Baba Bhagavan Das
~ OM MANI PADME HUM ~ May all sentient beings have the highest happiness, void of suffering, in this lifetime.
Inside the Cave you'll find the Three Poisons
Attachment ~ greed, lust, desire, sensual compulsion, addiction
Aversion ~ anger, ill-will, hatred, irritation, frustration
Ignorance ~ delusion, confusion, escapism, dullness, projection, bypass
So which of these is worst?
Well we all have our bias as we cast out our curse.
We minimize our shadow, and at times we deny
While we amplify others' ~ "They're the problem!" ~ the big lie.
When your sphere "out there" becomes Dark
Let that encourage you to embark
Upon your own work ~ Inside,
where your shifty Shadows hide.
"I don't have a shadow" is the one and only sin
It's hidden deep inside, you have to Cave-Dwell to begin.
Only inside can you illuminate the dark,
By pointing outward you're reduced to a narc
If you can find a willing soul
who'll stoke the embers of your coal
Consider it a blessing
As it unravels the dressing
Because beneath it you'll find the wound
That you can LOVE to full illumination, like the moon.
The most powerful Dark dives of my life
have unfolded in my role as a wife.
I've found a spiritual friend
Who'll be with me until the end
Courageous enough to traverse
the grit of the ego-demon incarnate on this Earth.
The demons that fly through consciousness in a solo Cave dwelling
arise faster through Tantric Union . . .
amidst all the rebelling . . . and yelling.
Instantaneous forgiveness and Compassionate space
Allow both sides to relate, integrate and illuminate
Until our end-all be-all destined fate
Because it's only "All the way HOME" when we've found our Soul Mate
We've been Cave-Dwelling this week
And are shining brighter than we can speak.
This tantric union is here to Alchemize
So we will continue to Rise
Until the day our body dies.
all the biggest LOVE from us both!
Amulya Maa
with Bhagavan Das
~ OM MANI PADME HUM ~ May all sentient beings have the highest happiness, void of suffering, in this lifetime.
Please join me in wishing my stellar husband Baba Bhagavan Das a joyous 77th Birthday!! (Today, May 17)
We are nearly halfway through our ground-breaking Private Retreat offering here at Maa Sanctuary, our home sanctuary and temple space. It's proving to be a deeply transformational journey for all!
You can email your Birthday wishes for Baba to us via the chat box in the lower right corner of this website.
Thank you for sharing your wishes for my beloved husband and for celebrating with us!
Thank you, we Love you!
Baba & Amulya
~ OM MANI PADME HUM ~ May all sentient beings have the highest happiness, void of suffering, in this lifetime.
Auspicious beginnings! Bhagavan Das & I opened registration for our 2022 PRIVATE RETREATS this week, which will be held in our home sanctuary & sacred temple space, Maa Sanctuary.
We also offered the first of many Kirtan & Satsang gatherings in our home temple space a couple days ago. The Kirtan was a deeply devotional experience with very high energies and a whole lotta LOVE flowing through the room. It was our first group kirtan since Bhagavan Das's accident 2 yrs ago, and he was on fire in classic Bhagavan Das style.
We offer Kirtan / Satsang in our home every week now, so if you happen to be in Wisconsin and you're interested in joining us, drop us a line via one of our websites. You can also find more information about our Private Retreats.
Maha LOVE is flowing through our Hearts like never before and we are creating as many ways as possible to share it with you!
Thank you, we Love you!
Baba & Amulya
~ OM MANI PADME HUM ~ May all sentient beings have the highest happiness, void of suffering, in this lifetime.
MARCH 17, 2022
Feeling tremendous Love today from all the BIRTHDAY wishes I received!
I woke to a Happy Birthday & Jai Maa serenade from my husband Baba Bhagavan Das. He also had a magnificent surprise birthday gift for me that he purchased at the Gem & Rock shop, along with a hand-drawn birthday card with a green Hanuman, for St. Patty's Day.
Baba and I spent most of the day hiking at a few of our favorite nature spots. We enjoyed the reappearance of birds & squirrels, bubbling rivers, melting snow, warm air & golden Spring-budding sunlight.
I've just come through a deeply transformational few weeks during which I've been replenishing my body, mind, heart & soul with some way overdue R&R- and I feel like a Spring chicken!
47 is the new 30, right?
Big LOVE to all of you & Happy St. Patty's Day!
~ OM MANI PADME HUM ~ May all sentient beings have the highest happiness, void of suffering, in this lifetime.
Give the Bhakti BHAV a boost today. SING wherever you go.
When we sing we raise the vibe of everyone around us.
Eyes get lit up with starlight.
It feels like painting the world with smiles.
Do you love to sing but only in the shower or in the car?
Our challenge for you today: Sing as you're walking through a parking lot. Sing on your way into the market. Sing as you walk down the sidewalk. Sing as your dog runs free in the dog park.
Then witness the loving expressions that return to you.
You never know the impact it had on someone. It could lift them out of depression or give them the spark they need to drop the thought of suicide.
Share your celebration of life with all!
And if you are feeling low and can't bring yourself to sing, ask God for inspiration. Then expect a miracle and open yourself to receive it when it arrives.
Thank you, we Love you!
~ OM MANI PADME HUM ~ May all sentient beings have the highest happiness, void of suffering, in this lifetime.
Amulya Maa and I first met in 2007 at my kirtans & we shared that Sunday together in Madison. Neem Karoli Baba visited Amulya in the astral 3 days before so she was drenched with his Graces & wanted to learn everything. We sat on the couch talking about Maharaji, walked State St, ate Nepalese food, had coffee, strolled the Arboretum & back home for dinner & the film Kundun. Amulya's wisdom inspired me to drop into full prostrations to her yelling JAI MAA! on the sidewalk loaded w/ artists musicians politicians & college kids. Amulya was the sincerest lover of God I ever met! She didn't know who I was until 2 days before, she just wanted to learn about Maharaji. She told my host she'd only visit if we both honored she didn't want anything sexual to occur. She was the real deal which is very rare & I totally loved her! But it was difficult b/c the same weekend I finally let a groupie-girl from LA join my tour b/c she'd sent me emails for a year begging to tour with me & run my business. She was very jealous of Amulya & the obvious chemistry Amulya & I shared & she shot negative energy & projections onto Amulya the whole time. I was impressed with how gracefully Amulya dealt with her. But after that auspicious day Amulya went her way & I went mine. Back into my guarded silo guided by the groupie's cell phone- which became a decade of contractual usury ending with her cheating on me, stealing from me & disposing of me. I've made many mistakes in my life but letting go of Amulya to let the other one run my business is the one I regret most. Live & learn. If your gut tells you your relationship is toxic, get out now! No time to waste. Real Love begins within & is worth the wait for it to show up outside. By Maharaji's Grace Amulya & I reunited in late 2018 & I'm the happiest I've ever been! All relationships have labor pains but true Love births you to GOD no matter what. That's my marriage with Amulya. We're walking each other Home as my gurubhai Ram Dass says. We retraced our 2007 steps in Madison & I burst into tears each stop. At the Arboretum we found 2 trees still boasting fall colors & they matched our winter coats! JAI MAA! #maharaji #Truth #LOVE
BHAGAVAN DAS Offical YouTube Music Channel is in the works! We are just beginning to gather the content for this page. Please click the button below to be taken to this special YouTube page so you can click SUBSCRIBE there. This YouTube page will become Bhagavan Das's Legacy Page as we gather all of his music from his entire career into one place on YouTube. We will also be releasing new albums and videos of Bhagavan Das as well now that he is in the Golden Era of his incarnation. This YouTube page will bring all the music & works of Bhagavan Das's entire lifetime into one easy-to-find location, where you will be able to freely stream his music online. Thank you! OM MANI PADME HUM. Sincerely, Bhagavan Das + Amulya Maa
Oct 1, 2020 I married the Love of My life, my Sweetheart Baba Bhagavan Das! We had a backyard wedding puja at the home I grew up in here in Wisconsin. Our Satsang friend Dan officiated & put powerful prayers into our fire trimmed w/ homegrown blessed marigolds & flower petals. After Baba blew the conch, my 84 yr old Mom & my brother John walked me out to meet Baba by the fire. My loving family & a few beloved friends surrounded us. We felt it auspicious that everyone in my family has been super successful & happy in marriage. My Mom & Dad were married 52 joy-filled years until my Dad’s death in 2017 & my siblings have all been married for decades too so their support is priceless. At the center of our full-moon ceremony was a sacred fire & the woods stood behind us. We offered rice to Lord Ganesh w/ 108 mantras. We sang & said prayers from Buddhism, Hinduism & Catholicism. The sun was high when we dedicated our Golden Rings & offered Aarti to each other. During our vows joy-filled tears streamed down our cheeks & in an instant an outpouring of rain blessings soaked us! So we finished the 2 hr ceremony inside my childhood home. Baba serenaded the best parts of Precious Angel to me & I shared a powerful prayer I wrote for the wedding. We sang the Hanuman Chalisa to honor our Guru & we danced around the fire singing Sita Ram while my sisters tossed Rose Petals on us! We fed each other my Grandma Meta’s famous Sour Cream Torte, which my sister Kris baked for us and it was just as scrumptious as Grandma’s! At sunset we gathered again to toss the rose petals into the river with our prayers. The union of Shiva-Shakti is the Highest Happiness & being married to my best friend is the most Divine Spiritual experience of my precious human birth! Please share in CELEBRATION with us! Jai SITA RAM! Bhagavan Das + Amulya Maa = FOREVER LOVE
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